Gridifier constructor accepts settings object as second parameter, which consist of key-values setting pairs. Most of values represents simple strings or numbers(Core settings), however some values can represent more complex data structure, like function or object with function names/functions pairs.(Api settings)
var asyncGrid = new Gridifier(grid, {
// Wide used core settings
"class": "grid-item", // default - class: "grid-item"
data: "data-myitem", // default - class: "grid-item"
query: "> a", // default - class: "grid-item"
grid: "vertical|horizontal", // default = "vertical"
prepend: "mirrored|default|reversed", // default = "mirrored"
append: "default|reversed", // default = "default"
intersections: true|false, // default = true
align: "top|bottom|left|right|center", // default = "top(Vertical grid)|left(Horizontal grid)"
sortDispersion: true|false, // default = false
loadImages: true|false, // default = false
toggleTime: 800, // default = 500
coordsChangeTime: 500, // default = 300
toggleTiming: "cubic-bezier(0.550, 0.055, 0.675, 0.190)", // default = "ease"
coordsChangeTiming: "cubic-bezier(0.550, 0.055, 0.675, 0.190)", // default = "ease"
rotatePerspective: "500px", // default = "200px"
rotateBackface: true|false, // default = true
rotateAngles: [-180, -360, 180, 0], // default = [0, -180, 180, 0]
gridResize: "fit|expand|disabled", // default = "fit"
gridResizeDelay: 0, // default = 100
dragifier: true|false|".dragHandler", // default = false
dragifierMode: "i|d", // default = "i"
widthPtAs: 0.1, // default = 0
heightPtAs: 0.1, // default = 0
widthPxAs: 1, // default = 0
heightPxAs: 1, // default = 0
repackSize: 20, // default = gridItems.length
// Less used core settings
insertRange: 10000, // default = 3000
vpResizeDelay: 100, // default = null
queueSize: 100, // default = 12
queueDelay: 0, // default = 25
disableQueueOnDrags: true|false // default = true(dm=i), false(dm=d)
Let's describe the purpose of each Gridifier core setting and it's available values:
Available values:
Available values with grid = "vertical":
Available values with grid = "horizontal":
Available values with grid = "vertical":
Available values with grid = "horizontal":
Available values with grid = "vertical":
Available values with grid = "horizontal":
Available values with grid = "vertical":
Available values with grid = "horizontal":
You can pass only 'align' setting to Gridifier.(This will automatically set
'intersections' option to false value)
Normal order rules on vertical grid appends:
Normal order rules on vertical grid prepends:
Normal order rules on horizontal grid appends:
Normal order rules on horizontal grid prepends:
Mirrored prepends internally are using appends, so append order rules will be
Available values:
Angles array values:
Available values with grid = "vertical":
Available values with grid = "horizontal":
Gridifier is applying grid sizes changes after timeout, which is being fired after specified ms count.
If multiple items are inserted/disconnected, this timeout will be rescheduled.
This is required because
it is too expensive to update grid sizes after each insert/disconnect on grids with large items count.
(Browser reflow operations will slow down performance on touch devices)
On small grids you can set this
value to 20 or 0, if delay between inserts and grid sizes changes is noticeable.
Available values:
Available values:
Per most grids 3000px is enough insertion range per Gridifier. This setting could be used with
enabled sort dispersion, when small items are inserted after large count
of big items.
With this setting you can control items count in one batch, processed
by reposition queue. This can be especially useful with disabled intersections, when
custom aligns(center, right, bottom) are used.
Because of dynamical aligns used with NIS mode, you can encounter situation, when some
items are 'jumping' on grid repositions. This happens when not biggest item is reinserted
first in row/col and next row/col items are reinserted in next batch.
So, item gets to the render queue before other row/col items are reinserted in next batch.
This is the moment when jump occurs. If you will see this behaviour, you can set this setting
to bigger value.
var asyncGrid = new Gridifier(grid, {
// Sort can be passed as object with function name/function pairs
// ('default' sort(by array order) will be enabled by default)
sort: {
// You can set initial used function with 'selected' param
selected: "firstSort",
// Sort(third param) is a special object with sort helpers
firstSort: function(first, second, sort) { /* Return sort comparator result */ },
// ... More functions
var asyncGrid = new Gridifier(grid, {
// Sort also can be passed as single function
// (Will be enabled by default and available with name "userfn")
sort: function(first, second, sort) { /* Return sort comparator result */ }
var asyncGrid = new Gridifier(grid, {
// sort param also can be used to set initial sort(string)
sort: "sortName"
// Available functions in sort helper(3-rd parameter)
var sort = {
"byOriginalPos": function(first, second) { ... },
"byData": function(first, second, dataAttr, reverseOrder, replacers) { ... },
"byDataInt": function(first, second, dataAttr, reverseOrder, replacers) { ... },
"byDataFloat": function(first, second, dataAttr, reverseOrder, replacers) { ... },
"byContent": function(first, second, reverseOrder, replacers) { ... },
"byContentInt": function(first, second, reverseOrder, replacers) { ... },
"byContentFloat": function(first, second, reverseOrder, replacers) { ... },
"byQuery": function(first, second, selector, reverseOrder, replacers) { ... },
"byQueryInt": function(first, second, selector, reverseOrder, replacers) { ... },
"byQueryFloat": function(first, second, selector, reverseOrder, replacers) { ... }
var asyncGrid = new Gridifier(grid, {
// Filter can be passed as object with function name/function pairs
// ('all' filter(all items) will be enabled by default)
filter: {
// You can set initial used function with 'selected' param
selected: "firstFilter", // or selected: ["filter1", "filter2"] for multiple
firstFilter: function(item) { /* Return true(collect item) or false(don't collect item) */ },
// ... More functions
var asyncGrid = new Gridifier(grid, {
// Filter also can be passed as single function
// (Will be enabled by default and available with name "userfn")
filter: function(item) { /* Return true(collect item) or false(don't collect item) */ }
var asyncGrid = new Gridifier(grid, {
// filter param also can be used to set initial filter(string|array)
filter: "filterName" // or filter: ["firstFilter", "secondFilter"]
var asyncGrid = new Gridifier(grid, {
// Draggable item styler can be passed as object with function name/function pairs
// ('cloneCSS' styler(clones all styles) will be enabled by default)
drag: {
// You can set initial used function with 'selected' param
selected: "firstStyler",
firstStyler: function(clone) {
// Style clone here
// (draggable item will be cloned and appended to document body)
// ... More functions
var asyncGrid = new Gridifier(grid, {
// Draggable item styler also can be passed as single function
// (Will be enabled by default and available with name "userfn")
drag: function(clone) {
// Style clone here
// (draggable item will be cloned and appended to document body)
var asyncGrid = new Gridifier(grid, {
// draggable item styler param also can be used to set initial styler(string)
drag: "stylerName"
var asyncGrid = new Gridifier(grid, {
// Toggler can be passed as object with toggle subobjects
// ('scale' toggler will be enabled by default)
toggle: {
// You can set initial used toggler with 'selected' param
selected: "customToggler",
customToggler: {
// We will write chapter 'how to write custom toggler' later
show: function(item, grid, other params) { /* Show code */ },
hide: function(item, grid, other params) { /* Hide code */ }
// ... More togglers
var asyncGrid = new Gridifier(grid, {
// toggle param also can be used to set initial toggler
toggle: "togglerName"
var asyncGrid = new Gridifier(grid, {
// Reposition sort can be passed as object with function name/function pairs
// ('default' reposition sort(disabled) will be enabled by default)
rsort: {
// You can set initial used sorter with 'selected' param
selected: "firstRsort",
firstRsort: function(connections) {
// Sort connections array here
// You can calculate item width and height from connection x1, x2, y1, y2 values
return connections;
// ... More functions
var asyncGrid = new Gridifier(grid, {
// Reposition sort also can be passed as single function
// (Will be enabled by default and available with name "userfn")
rsort: function(connections) {
// Sort connections array here
return connections;
var asyncGrid = new Gridifier(grid, {
// reposition sort param also can be used to set initial sort(string)
rsort: "rsortName"
var grid = new Gridifier(...);
grid.get("toggleTime"); // Returns current toggleTime - by def 500
grid.set("toggleTime", 1000); // Updates core setting with new val
grid.set([["toggleTime", 1000], ["toggleTiming", "ease"]]); // Set fn can accept array of settings
grid.set("toggleTime", 1000).set("toggleTiming", "ease"); // You can also use chaining to change multiple params
grid.addApi("sort", "newSort", function() { /* Sort here */ });
grid.setApi("sort", "newSort"); // Selects api fn
next: Grid types
prev: Usage