Notice: (Both grid items are draggable with 'intersection' dragifier mode.)
By default, grid items can intersect each other vertically and horizontally any number of times. To change insersection algorithm use 'intersections' setting:
vertical grid
Any amount of items can intersect any other item horizontally.
horizontal grid
Any amount of items can intersect any other item vertically.
vertical grid
Only one item can intersect any other item horizontally.
horizontal grid
Only one item can intersect any other item vertically.
If you will pass 'align' setting with any of available values, 'no' value of 'intersections' setting will be
selected automatically.
You can select one of the following types of alignment with vertical grids:
Following values are available with horizontal grids:
If you will pass 'align' setting with any of available values, 'intersections' = 'no' will be
selected automatically.
var demoGrid = document.getElementById("#demo-grid");
var settings = {
// This parameter can be omitted, if you are passing align param.
// With false value, 'top' align per vertical grid
// or 'left' align per horizontal grid will be used by default.
intersections: true|false,
// Passing this parameter enables noIntersections strategy.
align: "top|center|bottom|left|right",
// Usage of 'center|bottom|right' aligns can cause some
// item 'jumps' on grid repositions in rare cases.(Explained in next section)
// To fix it, you can increase reposition queue size:
queueSize: 40
var grid = new Gridifier(demoGrid, settings);
// Enable intersections and retransform grid
grid.set("intersections", true).reposition();
// Disable intersections and retransform grid
grid.set("intersections", false).reposition();
// Select new alignment type and retransform grid
grid.set("align", "center").reposition();
So, the 'jump' happens because of dynamic aligns nature and queue-based kernel.
// ... Page code
var verticalGridDemo = new Gridifier(demoGrid, settings);
TouchClickEvent.listen(selectTopAlignButton, function() {
// Jumps can't happen with default align value('top'),
// so default value = 12 is enough
verticalGridDemo.set("queueSize", 12).set("align", "top").reposition();
// Setting batchSize to 40 will be enough per most cases.
TouchClickEvent.listen(selectCenterAlignButton, function() {
verticalGridDemo.set("queueSize", 40).set("align", "center").reposition();
TouchClickEvent.listen(selectBottomAlignButton, function() {
verticalGridDemo.set("queueSize", 40).set("align", "bottom").reposition();
// ... Similiar code per horizontal grid demo
next: Sizes transforms
prev: Insert types