Coords changers
What are coords changers in Gridifier?
Coords changers are functions, that are called on render step to animate
item position changes.
What coords changers are available?
- default
- changes left and top style properties without animations.
- position
- changes left and top style properties with CSS3 transitions.
- translate
- uses CSS3 translate transform to change item position.
- translateInt
- uses CSS3 translate transform to change item position with values rounding.
- translate3d
- uses CSS3 translate3d transform to change item position.
- translate3dInt
- uses CSS3 translate3d transform to change item position with values rounding.
What is default used coords changer?
By default, Gridifier is using translate3dInt coords changer. It is used because of
following reasons:
- position looks a
little slow and 'chunky' on touch devices.
- translate/translateInt
also has a problems with performance on touch devices.
- translate3d
has satisfactory performance on touch devices, althrough it creates
'blurry' texts problem - GPU is transforming texts from vectors to textures to provide
hardware acceleration in most browsers.
- translate3dInt
has satisfactory performance on touch devices, as well
solves problem with 'blurry' texts. So, this coords changer was the best choice to use
as default.
How to select coords changer?
coordsChanger = function(coordsChangerName)
select one of registred coords changers, default = "translate3dInt"
coordsChanger setting
new Gridifier(grid, {coordsChanger: "initialCoordsChanger"})
select initial coords changer, default = "translate3dInt"
Coords changers demo grid:
Style left,top:
CSS3 translate:
How to control coords change duration/transition timing?
coordsChangeTime setting
new Gridifier(grid, {coordsChangeTime: 600})
sets grid items position change animation in 'ms', default = 300
set("coordsChangeTime", newVal)
updates coordsChangeTime setting value
new Gridifier(grid,
{coordsChangeTiming: "cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.050, 0.855, 0.060)"})
sets grid items position change CSS3 transition timing, default = "ease"
set("coordsChangeTiming", newTiming)
updates coordsChangeTiming setting value
Renderer antialiasing
What is renderer antialiasing?
Renderer antialiasing functions controls item offsets from their calculated positions
on render step.
When this functions are required?
- Grid items are placed close
to each other.(without margins)
- Grid items have percentage widths(vertical grids),
percentage heights(horizontal grids) or
percentage widths/percentage padding bottoms(vertical grids).
Why this functions are required?
- Small 1px 'gaps' can appear inside grid between not px based items.
- It happens because of calculation errors, that happens only on specific viewport
- In such cases you can use antialiasing functions to offset item position
by little value to remove this annoying gaps.
How this functions are working?
- This functions are offseting render in such way, that items are placed
a little closer to each other.
- This offset will be used only between grid item pairs.(not space around grid)
- So, for example, antialiasing width by 1px doesn't mean that first grid item
will be renderered with x coord = -1px.(With vertical grid/default append)
- That means, that setting 1px width antialias will render next item starting
from last pixel of previous item.
Empty space in grid end
- If vertical grid 'row' will contain 4 25% width items and 0.1% width antialias,
grid end will contain 0.4% of empty space. To fix it, you can add antialias value
to each item width -> width = 25.1%.
- Alternatively, if you are using percentage height with horizontal grids, you can
add antialias value to item height.(height = 25.1%)
Antialiasing functions:
set("widthPtAs", newVal)
set percentage width offset between grid items, used on render step
set("heightPtAs", newVal)
set percentage height offset between grid items, used on render step
set("widthPxAs", newVal)
set px width offset between grid items, used on render step
set("heightPxAs", newVal)
set px height offset between grid items, used on render step
Antialias initial settings:
new Gridifier(grid, {widthPtAs: 0.1})
sets widthPtAs on construct
new Gridifier(grid, {heightPtAs: 0.1})
sets heightPtAs on construct
new Gridifier(grid, {widthPxAs: 1})
sets widthPxAs on construct
new Gridifier(grid, {heightPxAs: 1})
sets heightPxAs on construct
Antialiasing demo grid:
Gaps notice.
1px gaps can appear on specific viewport widths, so try to resize the browser, if there are no gaps.
Z-indexes notice.
Usage of any of 4 antialias functions will automatically enable grid item z-indexes updates according
to sort order.(Native order will break with custom filters/sorts)
It can be disabled by calling grid.disableZUpdates().
Overflow notice.
In most cases you will use antialias functions with full responsive sites, so don't forget to add
overflow-x: "hidden" rule to body tag to avoid horizontal scrollbar.
Example 1: widthPtAs
in most cased used with %-width vertical grid items
var grid = new Gridifier(demoGrid);
/* Set some small(0.1 - 0.2) antialias to remove 1px gaps */
grid.set("widthPtAs", 0.1);
/* CSS */
.gridItem {
/* Add antialias value to width to exclude empty space from
the end of the grid */
width: 25.1%;
Example 2: heightPtAs
in most cased used with %-height horizontal grid items
var grid = new Gridifier(demoGrid, {grid: "horizontal"});
/* Set some small(0.1 - 0.2) antialias to remove 1px gaps */
grid.set("heightPtAs", 0.1);
/* CSS */
.gridItem {
/* Add antialias value to height to exclude empty space from
the top or the bottom of the grid */
height: 25.1%;
Example 3: mixed
this example is similar to main demo layout, used on landing page
var grid = new Gridifier(demoGrid);
grid.set("widthPtAs", 0.1);
/* 1px height offset is required here, because with percentage padding bottom
1px gap appears between 'rows' on some viewport widths in Firefox. */
grid.set("heightPxAs", 1);
/* CSS */
.gridItem {
width: 12.1%;
padding-bottom: 12%;
.gridItemBig {
/* If you are using height px antialias and are using big items,
don't forget to substract antialias value from big item. (Value
depends on itemsCount, that are 'covering' big item) */
width: 25.1%;
padding-bottom: 25%;
padding-bottom: calc(25% - 1px);
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prev: Togglers